September 14, 2024

Chronic Disease Prevention


New! ACU Members Take on Obesity Challenge.  See more news on obesity here, including the May 2012 IOM report Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention: Solving the Weight of the Nation and learn ACU members are doing.


2012 Prevention CalendarACU’s 2012 Prevention Calendar Offers four simple messages for a healthier lifestyle in English and Spanish. Members receive a free copy via mail. The calendar is also free to download and print. Actual size: 12″ x 18″.

Walk daily.
Camine diario.

Drink water instead of soda or juice.

Tome agua en vez de soda o jugo.

Cook healthy meals at home.

Prepare comida saludable en casa.

Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits.

Llene la mitad de su plato con verduras y frutas.

Walk DailyWalk Daily

Camine diario


EveryBody Walk- Sponsored by Kaiser Permanente, provides online resources including smart phones apps, blogs, and videos to promote walking 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week in order to prevent chronic diseases like diabetes.

Walking Techniques to Keep Up the PaceBy AARP, an overview of the best techniques to maximize and maintain the healthiest physical activity results.

Home Winter WorkoutsBy AARP, also available in Spanish, provides an at-home and little-to-no-equipment exercise regimen composed of aerobic exercise, strength training, and endurance that a person of any age can accomplish.

Frugal Fitness: Stay Fit by Spending LessFrom gardening to running, AARP provides a list of daily tasks that can also serve as fitness activities. The list provides the amount of money saved, the number of calories burned, and the muscles used for each exercise.

Ideas for ExercisingFrom the American Diabetes Association, has information on finding the right exercise program, stretching and the importance of intensity.

Physical Activity for a Healthy WeightFrom the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides a table that lists the amount of calories burned in common physical activities at both the moderate and vigorous levels.

Walkability Workbook– Sponsored by the Walkable and Livable Communities Institute, the Walkability Workbook is a free guidance document that helps communities understand the tools of walkability and gives community members the resources needed to deliver walkability workshops and conduct walking audits on their own.

Drink WaterDrink Water Instead of Soda or Juice

Tome agua en vez de soda o jugo


Life’s Sweeter with Fewer Sugary Drinks CampaignA campaign that promotes the consumption of fewer sugary drinks in hopes of preventing diabetes and obesity.  The website is available in English and Spanish.  Anyone can join the campaign to reduce sugary drinks in the home, workplace, and community.

Rethink Your DrinkAn 8-page brochure by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with calorie counts and alternatives to common sweetened beverages. Also provides tips on reading nutrition facts labels.

School Nutritionist Weighs Juices, SodasFrom National Public Radio, a question and answer conversation (podcast and transcript) with Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom regarding sports drinks, juice drinks, and diet sodas that are found in schools and alternatives for choosing an appropriate beverage.

Cook Healthy MealsCook Healthy Meals at Home

 Prepare comida saludable en casa


Managing Diabetes Through Good NutritionOffered by merckEngage, has information on making smart food choices for a healthy diet. Lot of other resources on meal planning, healthy eating and eating out.

Diabetes Diet and Food Tips: Eating to Prevent, Control, and Reverse DiabetesBy, reviews myths and facts about healthy eating and diabetes and offers tips on choosing higher fiber carbs, being smart about sweets and choosing fats wisely.

Eat Healthy on a Budget compiled by the Today Show’s diet and nutrition editor, provides money saving tips for grocery shopping and eating out.

Healthy Cooking RecipesBy, lets you search for healthy recipes, including low fat and family friendly. Also provides helpful how-to videos.

Food PlateFill Half Your Plate with Vegetables and Fruits

 Llene la mitad de su plato con verduras y frutas


Choose MyPlate CampaignSponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture, provides links to dietary guidelines, healthy eating on a budget, and sample menus and recipes. It also provides a SuperTracker link that helps you plan, analyze, and track your diet and physical activity.

Eat a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables EveryDayBy the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides links to various recipes, daily budget tips, and more about fruits and vegetables. Also provides a link that allows the consumer to determine his or her own daily requirement of fruits and vegetables.

Why Fruits and Vegetables?From the Tennessee Department of Health, provides a chart of nutrients and their benefits, and fruit and vegetable sources for each. A 9-page color handout is also free to download.

HealthyDining FinderBy the CDC, National Restaurant Association and other partners, offers a restaurant search features that lets you search for dietician-approved menu items, emphasizing lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and unsaturated fats and meet calorie, fat and saturated fat criteria,