Marc Overbeck of Oregon serves as the Primary Care Organization (PCO) representative on the ACU Board of Directors.
Mr. Overbeck has been a national leader among Primary Care Office directors, having served twice as the Chair of the PCO National Committee, a group representative of the 54 state and territorial Primary Care Offices in advocating the work and needs of PCOs with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and others.
As Director of the Oregon Primary Care Office, Mr. Overbeck leads a team of people dedicated to promoting access to quality health services for all people living in the state. He is responsible for the development of health professional shortage designations in Oregon, developing primary care needs assessments for the state, and enhancing the capacity of a coalition of partners in Oregon to facilitate health care workforce recruitment and retention in underserved areas. In his position, Mr. Overbeck has focused on special populations such as migrant and seasonal farmworkers, the homeless, low-income individuals, and the uninsured. He and his office oversee a multi-million program established by the Oregon legislature to expand the size and diversity of Oregon’s healthcare workforce.
Mr. Overbeck’s background in developing and nurturing public sector partnerships is extensive. He is the recipient of a Hammer Award from former US Vice President Al Gore for his leadership in The Oregon Option, an innovative federal/state partnership that exchanged federal regulatory relief for enhanced performance outcomes in employment and training programs, and also served as the legislative director to Oregon Governor Barbara Roberts in the early 1990s. From 1997-2000, Mr. Overbeck was the first coordinator of Oregon’s one-stop career center system, which has developed over three decades to become the primary vehicle for labor exchange in the state. From 2001-2003, he served as Interim Executive Officer of the Oregon Child Care Commission, and led a coalition of public and non-profit groups to successfully advocate for enhanced child care regulation. And, from 2006-2008, Mr. Overbeck led a series of listening sessions around the state as Executive Staff to the Governor’s Commission on Senior Services to promote planning for the future of long-term care in Oregon.
Mr. Overbeck earned his Bachelor’s degree in political science and philosophy from Willamette University, and also studied at Birkbeck College, University of London – where he served as a Hansard Scholar. Mr. Overbeck is active in his spiritual community, currently serving as President of his congregation. He also leads courses and programs for Landmark Worldwide, a global personal and professional growth, training and development organization.
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