February 14, 2025

Enhancing Care for Those Who Need It Most: Learn Innovative Practice Models Alongside Other Attendees at the ACU Virtual Conference

People in underserved communities face unique health challenges, and providers must be prepared to meet these needs with ever-evolving best practices—especially in the midst of a pandemic. Join the ACU's Virtual Conference from Sept. 14-18 to learn innovative strategies to improve your care delivery in our Practice Models track while networking with other clinicians, students, and administrators using our CrowdCompass app. Sessions in our #ACUConf Practice Models track will … [Read more...]

Announcing our Virtual Conference App!

We're proud to debut the mobile and online app for the ACU's 2020 Virtual Conference! Fully integrated into our symposium, this app will allow you to learn, network, and engage with other clinicians and advocates in real time as you attend our Virtual Conference. Make the most of your #ACUConf experience in our app: Find full session and speaker information at-a-glance and prepare your customized Conference agendaReceive updates from the ACU with push notificationsChat and interact with other … [Read more...]

A Role for Providers in Promoting Voting and Census Participation Among the Underserved

This session was hosted on Tuesday, August 27, 2020, and was the seventh webinar in ACU’s Policy & Practice Series. The medically underserved are among the least likely to vote or respond to the Census. With both national election and the decennial census taking place in 2020, clinicians have a unique opportunity to promote civic participation by their patients. This is especially true in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies show that a prime motivator for nonvoters is education … [Read more...]

Announcing Our Closing Keynote Speaker: Dr. J. Nwando Olayiwola

The ACU is excited to announce the closing keynote speaker of our upcoming Virtual Conference: award-winning health equity advocate J. Nwando Olayiwola, MD, MPH, FAAFP, Chair and Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine at the Ohio State University College of Medicine and Wexner Medical Center. Olayiwola will lend her expertise to the closing address of our Conference on Sept. 19. A recipient of the Harvard School of Public Health's Public Health Innovator Award and Fellow of … [Read more...]

Learn How to Build a Thriving Health Center Workforce at the ACU’s Virtual Conference

Health centers supporting underserved communities are facing greater challenges than ever in building and retaining their workforce during COVID-19. Learn the effective management strategies and emerging best practices necessary to not only support your workforce but maximize its effectiveness to improve health outcomes in the Workforce Track at our Virtual Conference on Sept. 14-18. In addition to a Bureau of Health Workforce update, our Workforce Track will offer six in-depth workforce … [Read more...]

Dr. Gary Puckrein, NMQF President and CEO, to Address “Transforming Healthcare in the Age of Pandemics: Can Health Equity Be Achieved?” in the Opening Keynote of the ACU Virtual Conference

The ACU is excited to announce the opening keynote speaker of our upcoming Virtual Conference: Dr. Gary A. Puckrein, President and CEO of the National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF). A celebrated health equity leader, he led the NMQF in launching the National Health Index in 1998, creating a centralized database linking vital statistics, demographics, and other data to create a portrait of health statuses—and disparities—across communities nationwide. Puckrein will lend his unique perspective to … [Read more...]

Using the Healthy Democracy Kit to Empower Your Patients, Colleagues, and Staff

This session was hosted on Monday, August 10, 2020, and was the sixth session in ACU’s Policy & Practice Series. This August, the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved is joining the nonprofit VotER, 50 partner organizations, and 11,000 health care providers in launching the first national, nonpartisan Civic Health Month to celebrate and bring attention to healthcare institutions and providers helping their patients get ready to vote. As part of that initiative, we are … [Read more...]

Learn Practical Strategies for Reducing Health Disparities at ACU’s Virtual Conference

It takes transdisciplinary care and data-informed clinical strategies to improve health outcomes and reduce barriers to access for underserved populations, especially during a pandemic. Explore practical solutions to increase health equity for those who need it most in our five-workshop Disparities Track at the ACU's first-ever Virtual Conference from Sept. 14-18.Whether you're seeking to utilize PCMH criteria to address disparities or confront implicit bias, learn evidence-based … [Read more...]

Reducing Stigma and Improving Referrals for Reproductive Health During COVID-19

This session was hosted on Thursday, July 30, 2020, and was the fifth session in ACU’s Policy & Practice Series. The uncertainties surrounding COVID-19 and its impact on childcare, employment, and overall financial wellbeing have led to tremendous stress for people with unexpected pregnancies. Many will seek support from health care institutions where they receive primary care. Frontline workers need to be prepared to offer non-stigmatizing, non-directive, and client-centered pregnancy … [Read more...]

Delivering Health Care for Incarcerated Persons During a Pandemic

This session was hosted on Thursday, July 16, 2020 and is the fourth session in ACU’s Policy & Practice Series. COVID-19 has put a spotlight on vulnerable populations, including those in prisons and jails. The ability of a jail or prison system to prepare, respond or mitigate varies, and depends in part on the roles or contribution of the community health networks. Various systems struggle with lack of leadership, collaboration, funding and other resources. Prisons have become the de … [Read more...]