Understanding the Value of Integrating Pharmacy Services To Improve Health Outcomes and Patient Safety
Date: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 2PM-3PM ET
Presenter: Sandra Leal, PharmD, MPH, FAPhA, CDE, Director of Clinical Pharmacy at El Rio Health Center
Host: The National Center for Health in Public Housing
Summary: Due to the vulnerable nature of the health center patient base, health professionals are interested in integrating more clinical and ancillary services into primary are. Health centers are becoming representative models of comprehensive quality care facilities. Although integrating pharmacy services into health center models is ideal, there are barriers to successful integration. Barriers, challenges, and strategies to successful pharmacy services integration will be addressed during the webinar through a discussion of the Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services Collaboration.
Webinar Objectives:
1. Describe essential elements of the Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services Collaborative.
2. Summarize how integrating clinical pharmacy services into care teams can improve medical outcomes.
3. Explain how integrating clinical pharmacy services into primary care services enhance care delivery to patients.
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