February 14, 2025

ACU Partners in National Health IT Week 2013

This September, ACU will partner to advance health information technology to help improve healthcare with approximately 200 public and private sector organizations to participating in the 8th Annual National Health IT Week (September 16-20, 2013).  National Health IT Week 2013 is the premier event offering all healthcare stakeholders an opportunity to unite under one banner, expressing the benefits that health information technology (IT) brings to U.S. healthcare. “One Voice, One … [Read more...]

Podcast on Asthma and Health Information Technology

Anna Gard, Health IT and Quality Consultant, Association for Clinicians for the Underserved Introduces the Role of Health IT in Managing Asthma There is constant development of patient-centric tools to support asthma self-management and promote engagement with clinicians, patients and families to assist in identifying, reporting their asthma triggers, monitoring their asthma status, supporting self-care and management strategies. Some of these tools and technologies really help (A) engage … [Read more...]

mHealth Apps: Beware of Snake Oil

By Anna M. Gard, FNP-BC With 247 million mobile phone users worldwide expected to download a health app in 2012, mHealth needs a watchdog, akin to Consumer Reports for apps, to "out" the hucksters making false and potentially harmful health claims. This Washington Post Report highlights the worst medical apps, those making false and potentially harmful claims.  The FDA recently released guidelines on mHealth technologies in effort to balance the potential for innovation with patient … [Read more...]

Bridging the Disparities Gap with Mobile Technology

MHealth provides vital tools to support the goals of health care reform to increase health care access, improve care delivery systems, engage in culturally competent outreach and education with technology that is easy to use, affordable and scalable, and is already adopted by patients of all ages and socioeconomic status. Mobile health technology (mHealth) is changing the way the world approaches health care access and delivery. Text messaging is used to support patient adherence with chronic … [Read more...]