Clinical pharmacist Michelle Lamb, Pharm.D., CDE, BCACP, takes pride in being part of a transdisciplinary health care team. She combines high tech (health IT is an important tool in enhancing patient care) with and high touch, delivering information tailored to the patient’s culture and literacy level. … [Read more...]
Michelle Lamb, Pharm.D., CDE, BCACP
New Threat to 340B Pharmacy Benefits Program
by Michelle Lamb, Pharm.D., CDE, BCACP, an ACU member who serves on the ACU Advocacy Committee. Newly introduced legislation could threaten patient access to sterile injectables under the guise of addressing drug shortage issues. ACU members should learn more and voice their concerns to Congress. On November 29th, 2012, Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana), MD, introduced the Patient Access to Drugs in Shortage Act (HR 6611). It would: Exempt generic injectable products … [Read more...]
Order Your 2013 Health Promotion Calendar
Additional copies of the ACU 2013 health promotion wall calendar sent to all members are available for purchase. The calendar is suitable for use in exam rooms, offices and waiting rooms. The calendar theme is Be a Partner in Your Health. Using simple messages in English and Spanish, the calendar reminds patients that patient-centered health care involves a partnership in which they play an active role. The calendar messages are: Set health goals together / Formen metas de salud … [Read more...]
Asthma Award Call for Applications
Are you a leader in asthma management? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is currently accepting applications for the 2013 National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management. If you are a health plan, health care provider, or a community in action that has demonstrated success in managing environmental asthma triggers as part of your comprehensive asthma management program, apply to receive recognition for your important work. Spread the Word! – New this year, EPA is seeking … [Read more...]
New Smartphone App on Tobacco Cessation
ACU has launched a new smartphone app that helps clinicians talk to patients about tobacco use. The app includes a six brief questions that clinicians can ask patients to measure their nicotine dependence. Release of the app coincides with the annual Great American Smokeout, a day when Americans are encouraged to make a plan to quit, or to plan in advance and quit smoking that day. The ACU Low Health Literacy Nicotine Addition Test scores the patient's responses to the six questions and … [Read more...]
mHealth Apps: Beware of Snake Oil
By Anna M. Gard, FNP-BC With 247 million mobile phone users worldwide expected to download a health app in 2012, mHealth needs a watchdog, akin to Consumer Reports for apps, to "out" the hucksters making false and potentially harmful health claims. This Washington Post Report highlights the worst medical apps, those making false and potentially harmful claims. The FDA recently released guidelines on mHealth technologies in effort to balance the potential for innovation with patient … [Read more...]
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