February 15, 2025

Call to Action on Walking

U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin has issued a Proposed Call to Action on Walking, and she wants to hear from you. The public comment period on “Walking as a Way for Americans to Get the Recommended Amount of Physical Activity for Health” is open from April 1 – 30. Details are available at Everybodywalk.org/takeaction ACU highlighted the importance of promoting walking for all in our 2012 health promotion calendar. Walking helps maintain weight, reduce high blood pressure, and lower the … [Read more...]

Rick McKinney, MD, Practices Integrative Medicine for the Underserved

In this interview, Richard (Rick) McKinney, MD, describes integrative medicine and an online community for those interested in bringing Integrative Medicine to the underserved. Known by its acronym IM4US,  you can visited them online at im4us.org. McKinney is a Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at UCSF and serves as the Medical Director of the Integrative Health Office at San Francisco General Hospital, the county safety net facility. … [Read more...]

Giselle Perry

As a licensed professional counselor, Giselle Perry balances her time between private practice and the Loudoun Community Health Center, a federally qualified health center in Northern Virginia that provides primary care to people with limited or no health insurance.  Giselle describes her satisfaction in working with the underserved and helping a particular patient overcome one of her greatest fears.[display_podcast]   … [Read more...]

Jessica Wallace, PA, Says We Can! Tackle Obesity

As a Physician Assistant at Upper Cardozo Clinic in Washington, DC, Jessica Wallace serves a largely immigrant population that is mostly uninsured and culturally isolated. Her patients are disproportionately affected by diabetes, hypertension, obesity  and other chronic conditions. So Jessica and her team have implemented an innovative program called We  Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition) to engage their clients in achieving better health for themselves and their … [Read more...]

Order Your 2013 Health Promotion Calendar

Additional copies of the ACU 2013 health promotion wall calendar sent to all members are available for purchase. The calendar is suitable for use in exam rooms, offices and waiting rooms. The calendar theme is Be a Partner in Your Health. Using simple messages in English and Spanish, the calendar reminds patients that patient-centered health care involves a partnership in which they play an active role. The calendar messages are: Set health goals together / Formen metas de salud … [Read more...]

ACU Fellow Focuses on Social Determinants of Health

ACU is pleased to welcome Tobie-Lynn Smith, MD, MPH, a Georgetown University-Unity Health Care Community Health Center Director Development Fellow. As a component of her fellowship year, she will be working with ACU.  Tobie is a graduate of SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She completed her residency in Family Medicine at CHRISTUS Santa Rosa in San Antonio, TX. While a 3rd year resident she served as Resident Director on the American … [Read more...]

DC Clinic Offers ‘Recess’ for Staff Wellness

Clinicians have demanding schedules, but one DC-area clinic has learned that 10 minutes of "Recess" can increase productivity throughout the day. Alicia Wilson, Executive Director of La Clinica del Pueblo said the Recess program has helped build morale, relieve stress and develop staff leadership. The program is based on Instant Recess® developed by Dr. Toni Yancey. A toolkit for implementing the Instant Recess® program in your workplace, including a cost-benefit calculator, is available … [Read more...]